STOLEN PUPPETS Posted by The Puppet Workshop on Nov 17, 2014
Hi All, Friend has just had his workshop in Valenica broken into last night and a couple of custom puppets have been taken. If anyone sees or hears anything. Can they please contact BJ or myself with any info you may have. His Facebook profile can be accessed via this link Thanks In advance!
Re: STOLEN PUPPETS Posted by Chris Arveson on Nov 17, 2014
So sorry to hear of your misfortune. How very terrible! I hope they are found.
Re: STOLEN PUPPETS Posted by pagestep007 on Nov 17, 2014
oh dear, what a blow. I Hope they turn up.
Re: STOLEN PUPPETS Posted by mkshatto on Nov 17, 2014
Terrible violation. Fingers crossed they're recovered in good shape.
Re: STOLEN PUPPETS Posted by Na on Nov 17, 2014
Wow, that's terrible news. Hope they turn up and the perpetrators caught!
Re: STOLEN PUPPETS Posted by Billy D. Fuller on Nov 19, 2014
Saw this on FB and brings this to mind! Does anyone take out insurance on customer builds in case of theft. Do insurance companies insure work related theft for puppeteers. I hope they get them back!
Re: STOLEN PUPPETS Posted by Shawn on Nov 20, 2014
I imagine that larger companies do, but for the average puppeteer it would most likely depend on where they are stolen from. For example if you have insured the contents of your home they should be covered but it is doubtful the insurance company is going to pay what they are really worth.

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