Been a few years since I had to do sound for live puppet show, we used Cassetts, CDs, and iTunes playlist back then. Electronic media has changed so much.  What do you consider the best media and speakers to use for a small live puppet show these days? Media for music, and live mics for speaking. What is working best with all the new advancements for you all? 
By Snail on Jan 21, 2021, 9:00 AM
I guess video is the wave of the future with COVID around. In a way it is easier than dragging the stage and props around town.  Easier on my knees and arms too. Time to learn some new tricks.
By Shawn on Jan 22, 2021, 7:19 AM
Yes I do think that for at least a while it is going to be about video.  I am sure though that in time folks are going to be able to get back out in public and I am betting demand for live entertainment well go up for a some time.
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Discussion Started Sep 28, 2020 By
Member Since: 11/22/09
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